English 9 for Friday reminders

1. Finish any fixes to "Tunnel Q/A" assignment. MAKE SURE TO:
-give it an appropriate title, including the important skills assigned
-support every COMPLETE answer with at least 2 quotes.
-connect your ideas in complete sentences (No fragments or Run-ons)

2. Create and fill in your 2 assigned "Show and Tell" reading notes (10 each for "Tunnel" and "Marigolds" (Page 408 in your books)
-Create a title, heading, THEN insert 2 tables (11 rows, 2 columns)
-Add clear and logical headings that show that you know what goes on each side.("What the text of ---shows us"-->"What we can tell from this")
-Fill in the left hand side with clear quotes from the text. Remember to find short, specific quotes, not long passages.
-Fill in right-hand sides with "what these show" or "what's your interpretation?"

3. Add all the good vocabulary words to your personal list; feel free to use the excellent vocab practice on page 421.

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