Friday English 10 Assignment:

Questions for Chapter 1:
1. What is the lifestyle of average citizens in Oceania (like our main character) like? How well do they seem to live? (Give a few examples)
2. What is the setting like in chapter one? What kind of feeling, positive or negative do you get from the descriptions of this imagined world?
3. Give three details of "official" events going on in Oceania, whether on TV, media, or simply happening: What do these events suggest about what the government is interested in or trying to promote?
4. Describe who "Goldstein" seems to be: how does the Government try to use him? What might this accomplish for them?
5. What is the book Winston takes out of the drawer? What is unusual about the way he acts with it? What does this say about the official role of books and writing in this country?
6. What happens during the "Hate" ? What seems to be the point of this ritual?
7. How do the hints about the thought police and "Ministry of Love" create a climate of fear for residents of Oceania? What do they seem to be afraid of?

[Answer your choice of 5 questions above in 2-3 complete sentences, supporting with examples where asked for. Observe formal style as you clearly answer the questions]

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