ENGLISH 9"Of Mice and Men" reading

READ Of Mice and Men over the Thanksgiving break:
in your first reading, remember that you are responsible for knowing what happens: be ready for a BASIC reading quiz on plot, events, and characters next Monday/Tuesday.

Based on our Tuesday discussion of the famous Bobby Burns poem, "To a Mouse," alluded to in the novel's title, watch for these themes as you read:
+main characters in vulnerable, low positions of society
+a "social union" being broken by the "dominion" of a larger force
+characters struggling to build a home that provides them security
+Characters don't see the larger forces that may suddenly change their lives
+People's "best laid plans" not coming to pass as they expect.

Check your class notes for complete objectives, goals:
complete 20 DEs (4 each, for each of the preceeding themes)
on the left, put a quote/detail that shows that theme
On the right, BRIEFLY explain how the quote shows that theme.
Try to keep each RH entry to 2-3 lines MAXIMUM.

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