English 9, week of Oct. 5-9

MONDAY/TUESDAY October 12-13: Redos of first graded assignment, "Oliver Question #8+5 repaired passive/wordy sentences "
Look here for all notes on:
1.Corrections on last asignment
2.some new rules
3.examples of "conclusion sentences"
NOTE: Honors 9--read and review these, too!
Remember to check last week's post, (september 29) below, for the notes on "simplifying sentences to fix passive wordiness"

Past Deadlines:
Maya Angelou questions: Wed/Thursday Oct. 7/8, making sure to stay on topic, and avoid all the new style rule errors above.
For Friday, turn in your "5 Before/After Sentences using Quotes": Start by just sticking your sentence and the quote together, then revise to use the shortest possible quote, show your meaning, and connect everything together into a logical, grammatical sentence. (x5) Examples on the notes link above!

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